
Memorize activity series of metals
Memorize activity series of metals

memorize activity series of metals

Mention any two types of reactions under which above chemical reaction can be classified.Based on the given information make an assumption about A and B and write a chemical equation for the chemical reaction indicating the conditions of reaction, physical state of reactants and products and the thermal status of reaction.It was observed that the reaction is highly exothermic. One of the products, C, is a metal and settles down in the molten state while the other product, D, floats over it. However when the mixture is heated, a reaction takes place between its components. No chemical reaction takes place when granules of a solid, A, are mixed with the powder of another solid, B.b) Why is it that non-metals do not displace hydrogen from dilute acids?.a) What are amphoteric oxides? Choose the amphoteric oxides from amongst the following oxides:.On analysing previous years’ papers, we can see that there is a higher probability of a 3 or 5 marks question being asked from this chapter. Let us now understand the weightage of this chapter. The soluble impurities go into the solution, whereas, the insoluble impurities settle down at the bottom of the anode and are known as anode mud. An equivalent amount of pure metal from the electrolyte is deposited on the cathode. On passing the current through the electrolyte, the pure metal from the anode dissolves into the electrolyte. A solution of the metal salt is used as an electrolyte. In this process, impure metal is made the anode and a thin strip of pure metal is made the cathode. This is done by the process of electrolytic refining. The metal is deposited at the cathode (the negatively charged electrode), whereas, chlorine is liberated at the anode (the positively charged electrode).Īfter extraction, metals have to be purified. If we want to extract sodium from molten sodium chloride solution, the reactions that take place are: Įxtracting Metals towards the top in the Activity Series – Highly reactive metals like sodium, calcium, aluminium etc are extracted from their molten chloride solution using electrolysis. To revise this topic thoroughly, click on the card that you see on your screen. This topic is very important from exam point of view, so make sure you study this thoroughly. For example, Hg and Cu :Įxtracting Metals in the middle of the Activity Series – Metals present in this category are extracted by various processes. This involves three parts – enrichment of ore, reduction to obtain metal, and refining/purification.Įxtracting Metals Low in the Activity Series – These metals are very unreactive, and these metals can be extracted by heating alone.

memorize activity series of metals

This is again a very important topic, and you should read it thoroughly. Most metals are found in the earth’s crust in a combined form, and we have to extract them into their pure form, as they are very useful to us. Now, how do we check if a metal is more reactive or less reactive than another? This is answered by studying the reactivity series. Here, if metal A is less reactive than metal B, no reaction will occur. This is an example of a displacement reaction, where a more reactive metal A displaces metal B from its salt solution. Metal A + salt solution of metal B Salt solution of A + Metal B Reaction of metals with salt solutions of other metals: It oxidises the H 2 produced to water and itself gets reduced to any of the nitrogen oxides ( N 2 O, NO, N O 2 ).

memorize activity series of metals

It is because HN O 3 is a strong oxidising agent. Here, note that Hydrogen gas is not evolved when a metal reacts with nitric acid. Mg doesn’t react with cold water, but reacts with hot water Now, different metals react with water at different rates. You can put in the correct formula and valency for metals and non metals and create a chemical equation. Reactions of metals and non metals have been dealt with in this chapter, and you should remember the products formed in each of them. A more sophisticated calculation involving electrode potentials is required to make accurate predictions in this area.Common reactions of metals and non metals For example, calcium is quite reactive with water, whereas magnesium does not react with cold water but does displace hydrogen from steam. The boundary between the metals that react with water and those that don't is harder to spot. Those metals that can displace H + ions from acids are easily recognized by their position above H in the activity series. Less active metals like iron or zinc cannot displace hydrogen from water but do readily react with acids: Sodium is highly active and is able to displace hydrogen from water: It is important to distinguish between the displacement of hydrogen from an acid and hydrogen from water. However, silver cannot displace copper ions from solution.

Memorize activity series of metals