For CCC, it has demonstrated a clear increase in people using the Help systems assisted by the Feedback Service. MadCap Feedback Service also allows users to conduct a time analysis to compare the number of people using a Help system from one month to the next. It may require updating the keywords to increase the rate that the topic is found in a search, and all I need to do is get back into Flare with a simple click, to adjust accordingly."

#Madcap online help update
"For example if I'm working on a topic within a given Help system in Flare, with the click of a button, I can go to Feedback Service to get trending, reports, and search results that guide you on what to do to update the topic. "I really like how MadCap Feedback Service and Flare work together they're built for each other," Adamjee says. The service also helps identify if there is a keyword issue or missing topic. This functionality has allowed the company to see what people are looking for in the Help systems, what search terms they are using, and when those searches are not coming up with results.

To date, CCC has focused on using the analysis features in the MadCap Feedback Service. We didn't have to invest in a new server." He added, "We implemented the Feedback Service 18 months ago, and it's been great." Gaining Help Usage Insights
#Madcap online help license
"We liked that it was integrated with MadCap Flare, and because it's a hosted service, we could just buy a six-month license to get started. "Our research led us to the MadCap Feedback Service," Adamjee recalled. As the company expanded from one Help system to more than a dozen, it began seeking a way to verify how effectively the Help systems were addressing customers' needs. Since 2006, CCC has relied on MadCap Flare to author and publish its Web-based Help and documentation. Today, it facilitates communication among some 21,000 auto body collision repair facilities, 350 insurance companies, and a range of other industry participants. Adamjee, CCC manager of communications services.ĬCC Information Services, headquartered in Chicago, is a leading provider of technology solutions for managing automotive claims and repair. "Since using MadCap Feedback Service to improve our Flare-based Help systems, our support team is seeing anywhere from a 10 percent to 30 percent drop in 'how-to' calls, which suggests that customers are finding it easier to follow the Help instructions," said Riyaz S. Based on its initial success, CCC plans to migrate to the on-premise MadCap Feedback Server in order to support additional product Help systems based on Flare. The company then relies on the MadCap Feedback Service to analyze how customers are using the Flare-based online Help for two of its leading products, so it can make these resources more intuitive and easier to navigate.
#Madcap online help software
(CCC) is optimizing its online Help systems and reducing customer support calls with MadCap Flare and the hosted MadCap Feedback Service.ĬCC uses MadCap Flare single-source, multichannel publishing software to deliver its Web-based Help systems and print documentation.

La Jolla, CA, USA – FebruMadCap Software, Inc., the leader in multi-channel content authoring and a showcase company for Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) Visual Studio and Microsoft XPS, today announced that CCC Information Services Inc. MadCap Feedback Service and Flare Enable Leading Automotive Claims and Repair Technology Provider to Increase Customer Use of Help Systems and Reduce Support Calls