Multiple data formats are used and are often not compatible with one another.Information is delivered bilaterally and retyped into new systems with the introduction of errors and loss of data integrity and authenticity.Emails, phone calls and paper documents are the daily details of moving goods.What are the disadvantages of the traditional supply chain? Every transaction will have a unique trace on the Tangle, and this is how the system becomes trusted and so consumers will know that the product has to have been authenticated, and so counterfeit products will not appear on the Tangle. For example, pharmaceuticals, automotive spare parts, fashion and perfume. The Tangle technology enables the ability to authenticate original products from counterfeits. How does the Tangle deal with the issue of counterfeit goods?

The Tangle provides the brand with a platform to create a mobile application easily accessed by the consumer who can scan a barcode on the product and see for example the following: In fact, food and fashion provenance are getting traction as the consumer wants to make sure the goods are ethically produced, and in some applications they can read a story about the farmer or food producer. Many consumers have become very attached to brands, especially if they’re ethical and have a great story. In what ways does the Tangle apply to ethical consumers?